Demo Spring Boot project - Beginners

PFB the link reference for basic spring boot projects and concepts,

1)Open 'Spring Tool Suite' tool 

2)Create 'Spring Starter Project' 
For Reference: 

3)Project structure looks like

4)Open 'application properties' file and add the below content,
It will determine the database configurations.
It helps to print database queries in console. Show or not log for each sql query
On every time (Project start or restart) it will check with database and update the table and it's columns. Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, update).
SQL dialect makes Hibernate generate better SQL for the concern database.

5)Create Controller and Model classes
5.1.1)@RestController - makes this class as Rest API based controller class
5.1.2)@RequestMapping - helps to communicate the API calls

It is an abstract class and it has the generic data which has common for all tables. Ex: Created by, created data, modified by and modified data.
5.2.2)MappedSuperclass annotation:
It defines the parent classes and tells parent class can't be entities
5.2.3)Id annotation:
It helps to create primary key for table
5.2.4)GeneratedValue annotation:
IT helps to generate sequences for primary key
5.2.5)Column annotation:
It creates the column in table

It is entity class and it extends the BasEntity abstract class to get common column.
5.3.2)Entity annotation:
It defines the class as entity class
5.3.3)Table annotation:
It helps to create table in database
5.3.4)Getter and Setter annotations:
It take care of the getter and setter declaration and tasks
5.3.5)Column annotation:
It creates the column in table

Use the below link to download the source code,

Context page: Click here
Home page: Click here

Thanks, I hope you enjoyed this session !!!.
-Somasundar Kanakaraj