1)Download the source code from GIT to local:
git clone -c core.longpaths=true --single-branch --branch <branch> <ssh url>
Ex: git clone -c core.longpaths=true --single-branch --branch Master http://gitsource/Master
2)To know the current branch name
git branch
3)To know the status about current branch
git status
4)To change/switch-over to another branch
git checkout <branch name>
5)To pull the files to local
git pull -a -b <branch name>
git pull -a -b <branch name>
6)To pull the missed files also to local
git reset --hard
Note: Incase of any network damage the PULL process has spoiled in between and this command helps to start over the process from where stopped the PULL process.
git reset --hard
Note: Incase of any network damage the PULL process has spoiled in between and this command helps to start over the process from where stopped the PULL process.
7)To add files into upload queue
7.1)To add all files
git add *
7.2)To add specific updated file
git add <filename>
8)Commit the changes to GIT
git commit -m '<Change description>'
9)Publish the commits to GIT
git push origin <branch name>
10)Steps to uploading the specific source to GIT from local
git branch
git status
git add <filename>
git status
git commit -m '<Change description>'
git push origin <branch name>
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Thanks, I hope you enjoyed this session !!!.
-Somasundar Kanakaraj